Film & Talk Format im Rahmen des Seminars "Cinematic Cities"

11.11.2024 -  

"Cinematic Cities" continues the discussion that began in the 2024 summer semester in the lecture series "City. Culture-led Regeneration: Space - Knowledge - Participation" on cultur-led urban development. In the winter semester 2024/25, the focus will be on the parallel development of the city and film from the modern metropolis of the 1920s to the postmodern, urban utopia of the 2020s. Paradigmatic epochs and genres of cinematographic urban construction as well as themes and motifs of cinematic urban representation will be highlighted. The FILM & TALK format will frame the film screening with an academic guest lecture and an open discussion round led by FHW students.


FILM & TALK "Cinematic Cities"


6 dates between 14 November and 6 February - see the graphic below for exact times


Port of Science

Starting on 14 November 2024 with a talk by Simon Bracken on Patrick Keiller's London at the Denkfabrik in the Port of Science. BYO snacks and drinks for all events.

Questions about the event will be answered by the transSCAPE team ().

FILM&TALK_Cinematic Cities

Last Modification: 12.11.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster